Model Minority
Synopsis: A comedy in which four sheltered Chinese-American teens want to perform an original rap song for their church’s talent show but none of them know how to DJ. When an African-American student answers their flyer, they all must confront their prejudices. A play about the appropriation of African-American culture by Asian-Americans.
(Kilroy’s List 2019)
Moving Arts Theatre’s Development Lab
10 month lab that culminates in a public reading October 7 & 8, 2017
Produced by Terence Anthony
MADlab playwrights also include Nayna Agrawal, Makeda Declet, and Jennie Webb
Reading of Model Minority
October 7 at 12pm
The Bootleg Theater, Los Angeles
Directed by Chuma Gault
Starring Devere Rogers, Julian Yuen, Arvin Lee, Anne Yatco, Mia Danelle
Banff Playwrights Lab
April 2018
Dramaturged by Brian Quirt and Jenna Rodgers
2019 New Works Fest – Staged readings
November 16, 2019
Directed by Alana Dietze
Starring Giovanni Adams, Scott Takeda, Eddy Hong, Jenny Soo, Chloé Hung, Daniel Kim
AyeDefy x Kilroys Reading Series
July 17, 2020 - virtual reading
Directed by Zhailon Levingston
Starring: Katie Lee Hill, Cardi Wong, Michele Selene Ang, Tom Zhang, Marquis Rodriguez, and Taj Burroughs
Stage Manager: Jes Aguilar
AyeDefy Founder: Mirirai Sithole
AyeDefy Co-creator & Producer: Leslie Roth
Artistic Observer: Joyce Zheng